Niknam LakpourDeputy of Supportive

About Deputy of Supportive Services

Deputy of Supportive Services was established to provide required and appropriate timely services relevant to accelerate achieving ARI goals. In this regard, considering the critical role of the deputy in laying the ground to expedite the evolutions, complex, various and miscellanies tasks and responsibilities have been assigned for the deputy.
Formulation of strategies and policies in technical, general, administrative, financial and human resources affairs in line with the objectives of ARI are the main activities of this deputy.
Finalizing the tentative suggestions and programs for directing the course of decision making by the chairman and board members, interactive decision-making with other deputies and inter-organizational collaborations with Management and Planning Organization of Iran (MPO), Ministry of Health and Medical Education, and Industrial Development and Renovation Organization (IDRO) of Iran are several responsibilities of the deputy.
Announcing the decisions adopted by ARI directory board and chairman, supervising plans and projects’ efficient implementation particularly in sub-sections and departments of logistical services are the rest of the duties of the deputy.

This deputy is comprised of four offices including

financial affairs, quality control and assurance, information technology, administrative and general affairs.

پژوهشگاه فناوری های نوین علوم زیستی جهاد دانشگاهی - ابن سینا با هدف دستیابی به دانش فنی در زمینه فناوری‌های نوین زیستی از طریق انجام طرح‌های مطالعاتی و پژوهشی آزمایشگاهی و بالینی، از سال ۱۳۷۷ فعالیت خود را آغاز کرد.

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