Editorial Bureau

This bureau has the responsibility to supervise the entire process of publication. Following ­the book approval, all the procedures including translation or compilation, type and typography, literal and scientific edit, cover design, getting FIPA from National Library and obtaining permission for publication from Ministry of Culture and its subsequent coordination including delivery and distribution are managed in the Bureau.

Through obtaining the publication license (No. 6106) from the Ministry of Culture in 2002, the institute independently prints and publishes books written or translated by its members or other prominent researchers in the country. In order to approve the publication of a book by the Bureau, first the title of the book is reviewed and approved by the relevant council and then by the scientific council of the research institute. After translating or compiling the book, the content of the book and the opinion of the professional peer reviewers will be re-examined in the scientific council; following their conclusive opinion, the Bureau will proceed to the next steps until publication.

During its activity, in addition to publishing several titles of specialized and sub-specialized books, the Bureau has prepared, produced and published several educational DVDs as non-book publications.
Dr. Mohammad Reza SadeghiManaging director of publications

Those interested in publishing their scientific books by Avicenna Research Institute Publications can call us at +9821-22432020 (Ext. 456) for more information.

پژوهشگاه فناوری های نوین علوم زیستی جهاد دانشگاهی - ابن سینا با هدف دستیابی به دانش فنی در زمینه فناوری‌های نوین زیستی از طریق انجام طرح‌های مطالعاتی و پژوهشی آزمایشگاهی و بالینی، از سال ۱۳۷۷ فعالیت خود را آغاز کرد.

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