Achievements of Avicenna Research Institute (ARI)

  • Publishing 822 papers in national and international journals
  • Presenting 1013 abstracts in national and international congresses
  • Accomplishing 290 research projects
  • Conducting 27 ongoing research projects
  • Evaluating 42 proposed research projects
  • Achieving the second rank on annual evaluation of research centers by Ministry of Health (MOH) in 2002, 2003
  • Achieving the third rank on annual evaluation of research centers by Ministry of Health (MOH) in 2006
  • Formulating a draft for the Parliament on amendment of civil registration law concerning issuing a birth certificate for the children born through surrogacy in 2007
  • Releasing Journal of Reproduction and Infertility (JRI) since 1999
  • Releasing Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology ( AJMB) since April 2009
  • Designing and fabrication of advanced wound dressings based on natural polymers for the treatment of infectious wounds: in vitro and in vivo evaluation
  • Establishment of a non-invasive method for early detection of breast cancer using peripheral blood
  • Production of mouse monoclonal antibodies against normal stem cell markers
  • Development of technical knowledge and production of anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies with similar function to Zovalin, including: 1) In vitro production of anti-CD20 mouse monoclonal antibody, its binding to radioisotope and in vitro evaluations, 2) Pre-clinical testing in animal models
  • Early detection of urogenital cancers using analysis of the patient's urine and blood with the help of antibodies designed against cancer cells as a non-invasive diagnostic method
  • Production of reproductive products from farm animals
  • Localization of technical knowledge in producing frozen embryos of desired sex from dual-purpose cattle breeds
  • Assessment of the effectiveness of engineered tissue in repairing cartilage lesions and skin wounds
  • Providing a menstrual blood-derived stem cells bank
  • Establishing tissue and biological implants bank
  • Accomplishing a research project on “ Prevalence of Infertility in Iran”
  • Establishing Iranian Twin Registry
  • Nominating Avicenna Research Institute as the MOH reliable center for evaluation of produced vaccine in the country and examination of MMR and DPT vaccines
  • Successful production of diagnostic and custom-designed monoclonal antibodies for research
  • Designing and introducing a national project to produce a new generation of anti-cancer vaccines
  • Collaborating with the Parliament in formulation of Therapeutic Abortion Law passed in 2005
  • Collaborating with Iranian Legal Medicine Organization in formulation of Therapeutic Abortion bylaw in 2005
  • Collaborating with Iranian Legal Medicine Organization in formulation of a draft for Therapeutic Abortion bylaw upon the request of MOH
  • Formulating intellectual property regulation and agreement upon the request of Iranian Academic Center for Education, Culture, and Research (ACECR)
  • Formulating a draft bylaw concerning embryo and egg donation to infertile couples upon the MOH request
  • Formulating a draft bylaw concerning infertile couples’ treatment through surrogacy upon the MOH request
  • Formulating guidelines on standardization of Infertility Treatment Services ( Embryology and IVF) upon the MOH request
  • Collaborating with Parliament in formulation of the Act concerning Embryo Donation in 2004
  • Collaborating with Ministry of Health in formulation of the bylaw concerning Embryo Donation ratified in 2004
  • Completion of the National Infertility Assessment Project among Iranian couples
  • Obtaining the agreement of the specialized boards and the examination committee of Ministry of Health on the fulfillment of the conditions for launching PhD courses in the fields of medical genetics, medical biotechnology, medical immunology, and reproductive biology
  • Obtaining a student admission license in the field of reproductive biology since 2016 by the Council for the Development of Medical Sciences Universities and planning the admission capacity recruiting two students following specialized doctorate / PhD exam of Ministry of Health
  • Obtaining the admission license for Ph.D. by Research course in Reproductive Biotechnology and Monoclonal Antibody Research Centers of ARI issued by the Ministry of Health in 2011 and admitting 10 students during 3 calls for PhD students recruitment in 2012, 2013 and 2016
  • Obtaining a student admission permit in fulfilling Infertility Fellowship program through the Medical Education Assessment Test held annually by the Council for the Development of Medical Sciences Universities and admitting 1 student in the 2016 exam
  • Supporting thesis projects of students at different graduate levels of universities; 228 dissertation completed and 22 ongoing dissertations
  • Developing and launching more than 1015 specialized and sub-specialized training courses with more than 26088 participants including 22 seminars and national congresses, 253 specialized and sub-specialized workshops and educational programs, and holding 740 lectures and scientific meetings
  • Needs assessment, compilation, planning and holding more than 18153 in-service training hours in the form of 91 training courses for ARI staff
  • Organizing and publishing 26 books and 83 educational DVDs
  • Establishing the first clinic for treatment of recurrent miscarriage in Iran
  • Establishing the first clinic for treatment of endometriosis in Iran
  • Establishment of sperm and testicular tissue bank to preserve fertility in men
  • Establishing the first egg and ovarian tissue banking in Iran to preserve fertility potency of patients undergoing chemotherapy
  • Performing fetal autopsy following a stillbirth or neonatal death to determine the cause of death
  • Establishing Donation and Replacement Therapies Clinic according to national and international regulations
  • Performing a variety of diagnostic tests (Immunology, genetics, pathology, andrology, flow cytometry, etc.)
  • Diagnosis of pre-implantation genetic diseases (PGD) and prenatal diagnosis (PND) using preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) and next generation sequencing (NGS)
  • Preserving fertility through cryopreservation of sperm/egg/embryo/testicular and ovarian tissue in children with cancer
  • Performing all therapeutic-diagnostic infertility related surgeries through laparoscopy and hysteroscopy
  • Providing prenatal care in high risk pregnancies
  • Designing Biobank of DNA, cell and tissue of patients with infertility, recurrent miscarriage, and cancer based on international standards
  • Producing the documentary of "Choice: Studying Different Aspects of Abortion in Iran", 2002
  • Producing the documentary of "Gamete and Embryo Donation in Treatment of Infertility", 2005
  • Producing the documentary of "Surrogacy", 2006
  • Producing the documentary of " The Secluded House", about the insurance coverage and infertility, 2008
  • Producing the documentary of "The Absence of Mr. /Mrs. B.", featuring psychological and social dimensions of infertility, 2009
  • Producing the documentary of "Another Season", reflecting fertility preservation, 2010
  • Collaboration in making a film reflecting the History and Achievements of the Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR) in 2012
  • Collaboration in making the documentary of "A Simple Suggestion" about biosexuality during 2012
  • Providing screenplay advice to the movie "With Others" on the subject of surrogacy in 2013
  • Holding a series of screenings and analysis sessions for the film "Bioethics in the Mirror of Cinema" in 2015
  • Cooperation in specialized meetings of two periods of the Health Film Festival in 2016 and 2017
Awards given to “The Absence of Mr. /Mrs. B." documentary in national and international film festivals
  • Crystal Simorgh of the 28th Fajr International Film Festival, 2010
  • First prize of the 4th Kosar National Film Festival, 2009
  • Trophy of the 3rd Annual Cinema Veritè, Iran International Documentary Film Festival , 2009
  • First Avicenna prize of the scientific-medical section of the 3rd Annual Cinema Veritè, Iran International Documentary Film Festival , 2009
  • Received the award and trophy of the best director and the award and trophy of the best feature documentary of Celebration House of Cinema in 2010
  • Received the honorary diploma of the best character in the documentary film of Celebration House of Cinema in 2010
  • The Jury prize in the “FIDADOC 2010 - International Documentary Film Festival”
  • The best character prize of “2nd ANASY Documentary Awards”, U.A.E, 2010
  • Attending the “ DOX BOX”, Syria, 2010
  • Attending the “ Asia Pacific Film Festival”, Thailand, 2010
  • Attending the “Ramallah International Film Festival”, Palestine, 2010
  • Attending the “ 17th Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival”, 2010
Membership of ARI in research networks of the country
  • Iranian Cancer Network
  • Iranian Molecular Medicine Network
  • Iranian Biotechnology Society
  • Iran Nanotechnology Laboratory Network
  • Nanotechnology Laboratory Network
  • National Cancer Research Network
  • Stem Cell Network
  • Strategic Technologies Laboratory Network
  • Successful development of monoclonal antibodies for diagnostic and research purposes
  • Designing and introducing a national project to produce a new generation of anti-cancer vaccines
  • Designing and production of therapeutic antibodies for the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer
  • Construction of MACS columns
  • Development of technical knowledge and production of anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies with similar function to Zovalin, including: 1) In vitro production of anti-CD20 mouse monoclonal antibody, its binding to radioisotope and in vitro evaluations, 2) Pre-clinical testing in animal models
  • Collection of different categories of cancer cells and production of hybridoma cell type for research application
  • Production of biodiesel using lipase enzymes stabilized at silica substrate and functionalized silica nanoparticles
  • Production of protein A column
  • Production of transferable sheep embryos using in vitro embryo production method
  • Production of recombinant vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expressed in E. coli
  • Production of regulatory T cells from virgin rat’s spleen T cells and evaluation of their therapeutic potential in a mouse model of recurrent spontaneous abortion
  • Phase II production of anti-cancer monoclonal antibody: Chimerization of mouse anti-human ROR1 monoclonal antibody and evaluation of its cytotoxic effects in an animal model of mice
  • Production of estrogen-regulated T cells from CD4 + CD25 ++ cells in human peripheral blood
  • Production of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against specific markers of human spermatogonial stem cells and transplantation of these cells to regenerate spermatogenesis in a model of azoospermic nude mice
  • Immunization and side effects of measles, rubella and mumps (MMR) vaccines made domestically and approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) in Iranian children and infants
  • Production of mouse anti-human HER 2 monoclonal antibodies capable of inducing apoptosis in HER2-positive cells
  • Production of chimeric anti-human HER 2 monoclonal antibodies with the ability to induce apoptosis in HER 2-positive cells
  • Construction and evaluation of modified scaffolds with embryonic origin for skin repair
  • Fabrication, optimization, and standardization of three-dimensional scaffolds based on silk and natural polymers for clinical repair of cartilaginous lesions
  • Synthesis of recyclable nanomagnetic catalysts and their use for multi-component synthesis of spiro oxindoles and new oxindoles and investigation of biological properties of these heterocyclic structures
  • Designing and fabrication of intelligent thermos-sensitive hydrogels containing gold silica core-shell nanoparticles for hyperthermia therapy of cancer cells
  • Construction of a high-performance E.coli bacterial transformation kit to accelerate the production of recombinant proteins
1- Construction of Avicenna Training and Treatment Hospital with an approximate area of 22,000 square meters
2- Construction of a laboratory animal care and breeding center in Alborz Science and Technology Park with an area of about 1500 square meters
2-1- Implementation and establishment of management systems as follows:
2-2- ISO9001-2004 quality management system
2-3- Suggestion system
2-4- Performance evaluation and monitoring system
2-5- Customer satisfaction measurement system
2-6- Manpower recruitment and employment system
3- Compiling the strategic plan of Avicenna Research Institute (ARI)

Technological achievements and commercialization
  • National mega plan for technology localization and production of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (10 Types of Antibodies) with the participation of the Industrial Development and Renovation Organization (IDRO) of Iran
  • Technology localization and semi-industrial production of Rituximab monoclonal antibody and its evaluation
  • Technology localization and production of research and diagnostic kits
  • Developing local SBDC plan for new industries in the field of biotechnology and health
  • Cooperation with the Industrial Development and Renovation Organization (IDRO) in establishing a national center for production of monoclonal antibodies
  • Registration of 13 patents in the Industrial Property Office
  • Implementing 20 ongoing projects for registration in the Industrial Property Office
  • Institutionalizing a research system and commercializing products by connecting with industry
  • Developing guidelines for commercialization and economization of research projects

پژوهشگاه فناوری های نوین علوم زیستی جهاد دانشگاهی - ابن سینا با هدف دستیابی به دانش فنی در زمینه فناوری‌های نوین زیستی از طریق انجام طرح‌های مطالعاتی و پژوهشی آزمایشگاهی و بالینی، از سال ۱۳۷۷ فعالیت خود را آغاز کرد.

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